Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another fantastic ministry day (:

This morning, breakfast was at 7AM.  I still managed to get 8 hours of sleep, which was lovely!  Last night I somehow managed to sleep through the leader knocking on our door for five minutes, the phone ringing, AND tuck-ins.  As you can probably tell, I was exhausted (and still am).

Today we went to a little church about an hour away.  We dropped off our backpacks and because most of us had to use the bathroom (the downside of drinking so much water), we were taken to a little building about the size of a port-a-potty that was made out of cement blocks.  In order to flush the toilet (which had no seat), you have to pour down a bucket of water.  It made me realize how ridiculously spoiled we are in the US to have sanitary, indoor plumbing. 

Then we walked up the road a bit to where the new church building is going to be.  We had to move rocks, dig up dirt, carry the dirt/chunks of grass accross the yard, and then flatten out the ground.  It was hard work, but extremely satisfying.  I'm not going to lie, though, I have never been so happy to take a shower in my life.  I was COVERED in dirt from head to toe.  It was a great day, though.  The pastor thanked us again and again and we also got to hear a little bit of his story. 

He used to be an alcoholic before he discovered God through a radio station and going to a church in Quito.  After seeing the change in him, his wife became a Christian as well.  Now, four out of their five children are believers and he's now the pastor of a church (they currently have about 80 people attending). 

Tomorrow I'm going zip-lining and white water rafting.  My lobby time is at 7 so I have to be up by 6:30.  I'll do my best to go to bed early again so I can be well rested! 

Thanks for the prayers & support :). 



  1. haha I remember last year falling asleep well before tuck ins. Totally tired out.

    sounds like you had another amazing day in ecuador!! Thanks so much for posting these updates - miss you!

    have SO MUCH FUN TOMORROW!!! haha I'm a bit jealous. ;o)

  2. OH! and tell glenn and others that I said HI!!!! :D
